Weekend Warrior – Big 'Uns, Bandicoots, and... Birmingham?

It's a long holiday weekend, so we can finally kickback and relax after all of the E3 chaos. And of course, when we're not spending time celebrating with friends and family, you'll find us playing lots of video games. Most of us are still plugging away at some of the massive games that launched earlier this year, but others have finally broken free from the backlog and started to play the Crash Bandicoot remake and Breath of the Wild DLC. What are your plans for the holiday weekend? Share them with us in the comments below! 


Suriel Vasquez (@SurielVazquez) – I’m planning on spending more time with Yakuza 0, which I’m still enjoying a lot. If my some miracle I finish it over the long weekend, I may start Nier: Automata. Or maybe I’ll just waste the whole weekend playing Dota 2 instead, like I have been all week.


Javy Gwaltney (@HurdyIV) – I have a friend coming into town so when I’m not entertaining them I’m going retro this weekend, playing through the Crash Bandicoot remake and making my way (for the first time!) through A Link To The Past.


Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – Oh man, it’s the 4th of July already! This weekend I’ll be heading out to a lake place with a couple of old Game Informer dweebs to play a bunch of arcade games. I also hope we’ll get some more time for Tetris on the Switch, and I’ll even pack my 3DS. If all goes according to plan, I won’t even have to look at (or swim in) that stupid lake! Have a good weekend!


Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I will be digging into the Zelda DLC this weekend as well as the Crash remake. I really like N. Sanity so far, even though it's a series I really don't have much nostalgia for. I'll also be attending a children's birthday party. It's going to be a good time.


Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I’m still pushing my way through Persona 5. That game is such a beast… I just crossed the 50-hour mark and I’m only lingering around the halfway point. When I’m not playing that, I’ll probably spend time in my weekend mainstays: Overwatch and Pokémon Go. 


Jared Koncsol (@jaredkoncsol) – I’ll be flying back to Birmingham to spend time with my family this weekend. And by spend time with my family, I mean guilt-tripping my dad into playing games with me even though he doesn’t like them.


Craig Taylor (@CraigTaylor0805) – My friends have been getting into the new GTA DLC so I'll probably end up playing that this weekend. I've also been playing Dead Rising 2: Off the Record and having a lot of fun in co-op, so hopefully I can finish my playthrough of that.


Doug DeLong (@DeLongDoug) – I'm still working on Breath of the Wild, but this week I got sidetracked by Crypt of the Necrodancer. I played for 20 minutes to make sure my PS4 controller worked with my laptop and got hooked in the process. I'll try to beat that and then start The Master Trials. I'll probably squeeze in time for Pokémon Go as well.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://bit.ly/2saVZM4
